Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How to create shortcode from A to Z

How to create shortcode from A to Z

What is shortcode?

The shortcode is a short piece of code, This short code will do something that you set at creation of the shortcode, Eg show a loop, You can make this shortcode anywhere in the post, in the theme, except Excerpt and Widget.
Today shortcode is used quite commonly you can go to the wordpress plugins library and look for plugins with the shortcode keyword there are many plugins to appear it supports you with a number of full-length shortcodes required from decorating articles to making the tasks more complex.
And in many themes for wordpress it also supports some of its shortcode.

How to create a shortcode

All the code in this article you write into the functions.php file of the theme nhé.
To create a shortcode, we will have two main steps.
Step 1: Set the code execution function in the shortcode.
Step 2: Creates a shortcode based on the function created.
To figure out I'm going to give you a sample of this shortcode

//Initialize function for shortcode
function create_shortcode() {
        echo "Hello World!";
// Create a shortcode named [test_shortcode] and execute the code from the create_shortcode function
Add_shortcode ('test_shortcode', 'create_shortcode');
What matters is that I've put it all into code, Now if you write [test_shortcode] in the article content, Then it will show the hello world! instead of the shortcode you just wrote.
But one problem is the word Hello World! It will always be at the top of the article as we use the echo command.
If you want to show it right place the shortcode, you must use the return statement instead of echo.
You can fix echo "Hello World!" to return "Hello World!" Later when you write shortcode you should avoid using echo.
Similarly, we apply a little knowledge of Loop and Query to create a shortcode display 10 random articles offline.

function create_shortcode_randompost() {

        $random_query = new WP_Query(array(
                'posts_per_page' => 10,
                'orderby' => 'rand'

        if ( $random_query->have_posts() ) :
                while ( $random_query->have_posts() ) :

                                <li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><h5><?php the_title(); ?></h5></a></li>

                <?php endwhile;
        $list_post = ob_get_contents(); // Take the entire contents above the $ list_post variable to return        


        return $list_post;
add_shortcode('random_post', 'create_shortcode_randompost');

You can see from paragraph 8 to paragraph 21 I wrote the loop in the function ob_start() and ob_end_clean(). Actually here I have to cache anything I’ll wrap that part to use the function ob_get_contents() Go to the $ list_post variable, then return this variable out because when you do shortcode you must use return. If anyone has a better way, let me know.
Now you write [random_post] the location where you need to display the list of random items is ok.

Create a shortcode using the parameter

In the previous section we only learn by creating a simple shortcode, which means it only shows what we wrote in the shortcode that does not allow customization of the user. If you want to let the user manually edit what is displayed, here we have to use the parameters.
For example, in the shortcode above we have shown 10 random posts. But if using the parameter, we can let the user customize the parameter in the number of posts displayed and can choose the sort order if you want.
To create a shortcode containing the parameters we create as follows.

function create_shortcode_ parameters1 ($args, $content) {
        return " this is number". $args[' parameters1'];
add_shortcode( 'shortcode_ parameters1', 'create_shortcode_ parameters1' );
First, in the function part, we have two arguments  $args and $content. The $args variable is the shortcode parameter and the  $content variable is the piece of content wrapped in code. You see the example below:
[shortcode_thamso thamso1="100]Đây là biến $content[/shortcode]
Thus, we have thamso1 as parameter and number 100 means the value of any parameter that the user can set. $content is wrapped inside the shortcode, but in the above paragraph we do not use the $content variable to print so even if you write like that, the $content section is not showing up yet.
Now you write the shortcode on the article it will show "this is 100" right, And that also makes the parameter shortcode.

function create_shortcode_tinhtong($args, $content) {
        $tong = $args['term1'] + $args['term2'];
        return "Total".$tong;
add_shortcode( 'total', 'create_shortcode_total' );
And when writing the shortcode we will write the following.
function create_shortcode_content($args, $content) {
        return strtoupper($content); //Prints all the content in the shortcode }
add_shortcode('shortcode_content', 'create_shortcode_content');
And now you try to write in this shortcode.
[shortcode_content]Viết cái gì đó vào đây[/shortcode_content]
Has it printed the entire text in the body of the shortcode?

So why does the example above use only $ content but have to declare both $ args? Because by default, if you just declare a parameter, it will know for itself that the variable is the first parameter, so it's best to declare both variables, of course you can set any name.
$ Args will have a parameter structure of $ args ['arguments'], and the suffix is the parameter in the shortcode that you have to write in the same way.
$ Content is the variable that prints the entire contents of the open shortcode and shortcode tags.

How to write a shortcode into a PHP file

Shortcode only executes in the WordPress editor, but in other situations it does not understand. So if you want to insert a shortcode into a PHP file, you must use the do_shortcode () function to execute it. For example:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[test_shortcode]'); ?>

Examples of shortcode examples

Shortcode displays video from Youtube

By default, the embed code from YouTube will look like this.
<iframe src="//" height="480" width="640" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
So here we play three parameters:

Enter the ID of the video.
Parameter to adjust the width of the video.
Video horizontal adjustment parameter.
Ok let’t do it.

function create_youtube_shortcode( $args, $content ) {
        $content = '<iframe src="//'.$args['id'].'" height=" '.$args['height'].'" width="'.$args['width'].'" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0"></iframe>';
 return $content;
add_shortcode('youtube', 'create_youtube_shortcode');
And the shortcode would look like this:
[/youtube width="500" height="300" id="0KJ60uJZ3-Q"]
It will manually pass the parameters you entered into the shortcode.

Insert a full color notification box

This example will work with $ content in the shortcode.

function create_notification _shortcode($args, $content) {
        return "
<div class='notification '>".$content."</div>
add_shortcode( 'notification ', 'create_notification _shortcode' );

And add a little CSS to the style.css file

.thongbao {
     background: #585858;
     padding: 1.5em 2em;
     color: #FFF;
     border: 1px solid #C7C7C7;
Ok, now you can write in the content is [thongbao]Nội dung thông báo[/thongbao] Then see the results offline.

Shortcode retrieves Facebook information

In this example, the code will be a little too long to use get content from JSON through Facebook Graph. The shortcode structure will be [\fbgraph username="thachpham92"] The thachpham92 means the input parameter, ie the Facebook username needs to be displayed.

function create_fbgraph_shortcode($args, $content) {
        $get_info = wp_remote_get(''.$args['username']);
        $get_avatar = "".$args['username']."/picture?type=large";
        $dc_info = json_decode($get_info['body'], true);
        $dc_avatar = json_decode($get_avatar['data'], true);

        // Make variables easy to handle.
        $fb_id = $dc_info['id'];
        $fb_username = $dc_info['username'];
        $fb_url = $dc_info['link'];
        $fb_name = $dc_info['first_name'];
        // Write gender.
        if ($dc_info['gender'] == 'male') {
                $fb_gender = "male";
        } else if ($dc_info['gender'] == female) {
                $fb_gender = "female";
        } else {
                $fb_gender = " Undefined!";

<div class="fb-info">
<h5>your information <?php echo $fb_name; ?></h5>
<div class="avatar"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $get_avatar; ?>" /></div>
<div class="info"><strong>your ID: </strong> <?php echo $fb_id; ?>
 <strong>Username: </strong> <?php echo $fb_username; ?>
 <strong>sex: </strong> <?php echo $fb_gender; ?></div>
        $result = ob_get_contents();

        return $result;

add_shortcode( 'fbgraph', 'create_fbgraph_shortcode' );

And a little CSS like demo

.fb-info {
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0.5em 1em;
background: #3B5998;
border: 1px solid #E8E8E8;
color: #FFF;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
.fb-info .avatar {
width: 30%;
float: left;
margin-right: 5%;
padding: 10px;
background: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #F3F3F3;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
.fb-info .info {
width: 60%;
float: right;
Ok, let's try it.

Last words

Thus, in this article you already know through how to create a shortcode basically like, then create a shortcode that use parameters and I also explained quite thoroughly about it (should post it new long this) .

Really shortcode in WordPress is an extremely powerful feature for you to insert something into the post quickly. But be careful when using it because if you have users in multiple threads, later you do not want it anymore shortcode off, then to really tired.

If you still have questions, please leave a comment offline.


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