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Showing posts with label plugins-wordpress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plugins-wordpress. Show all posts

Thursday, January 4, 2018



Ensure your brand's credibility on your Website.

Make it easy for customers to visualize what your company is doing, and help them see the benefits of your company.
Help customers find the reputation of bnaj and easily make the purchase decision in you.
It is easier and easier for customers to make your website easier to navigate.


Yelp WordPress plugin uses short codes or utilities to carry your business information from your Yelp profile to your own website using the Yelp API key.

Just enter your API key
Use the Yelp button in the WordPress editor or Widget
Fill in the business rating / list URL

You can choose which positive rating is displayed
In Yelp's WordPress plug-in, you have many options for displaying your brand elements

Use of short codes is available
Try to order / column and preview it to choose the best appearance to enhance restaurants, cafes, hotels, resorts or spas ...

Save your time in Showing Positive Ratings, Ratings, Testimonials.
Give your customers an opportunity to say their words on your website.
Can Surely Brighten Your Face Showing To Publicity Target.
Leave a good impression on your audience Such Better Brand Awareness.
Increase customer loyalty and friendliness and gain real trust.
Increase your brand reputation, increase sales and ultimately increase your business revenue.
Business owners have put their names on the niche
Brand managers want to bring brand evaluation to impress visitors of new products
Restaurant chain should show priority rank
Product exhibitors want to raise awareness of their brands in events
Because your competitors are struggling with ratings and privileges.
If they had a good Yelp rating, they would not want to ignore it.
It's better to have a customer come in later, but it's positive feedback from the customer, and they're happier when your rating is the highest.

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Tuesday, January 2, 2018



Make your Video Playlists and Ad Clips Professionally, From 2007 to 2018, Video has become the hottest digital marketing trend in markerting for retailers.
No doubt Youtube WordPress is a must have tool for anyone who wants to play Youtube on their site.

Benefits of youtube for wordpress


If you are one
Videohive authors who want to put up their best showcase
The pioneering healthcare organization is looking for ways to get more views for their channels
Life coaches want to showcase their work on their homepage
The course instructor tries to make his own course
TV speakers want to attract more audiences
Landscape projects build their online presence in 2017
All types of business services can use youtube for wordpress to use video or clip for advertising

What Youtube WordPress Pro can do for you


Turn your normal site into an epic YouTube Gallery with the main player on the top 12-video list, Ajax button & Load more. As such, visitors to your website can easily see video templates and they will click to view them.
Place all videos / playlists ready on bookshelves. When it is clicked, it will be played on the main player at a glance with a sensational beauty. This will aesthetically enhance the look of your website, without creating a sense of boredom when visitors visit your website. , and create convenience for customers when they have the desire to watch your video ad or clip.
Customize video titles, autoplay or click to play, video columns, view order, cache, page numbers. Barcodes and widgets are also available to choose from. Facilitate and comfort viewers to encourage the acquisition of the content you want to convey.





Everything is ready.
Performing your video is not a crazy effort.
Youtube WordPress Pro is encoded to reduce the stress time you might have when crafting the whole process.
You can use shortcodes, widgets or Visual Composer components to display video.
Just paste the video ID, playlist ID, and click!
All videos are there.
You can spend more time customizing the layout, for example, the row, column, title, enabling, or disabling recommended videos to suit your needs.

Last words

2018 will be the boom year of video advertising on facebook and on youtube and still hesitated that you do not use youtube for wordpress so your ad really effective with customers.

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10 ways to increase facebook's interaction you should know.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

How to increase revenue from reminding customers to forget the shopping cart on your website (part 2)

In the previous article we have explored the steps to use thoroughly to remind customers to forget the cart to increase sales revenue. Like using cart back, shopping cart is completely forgotten ..... today we will go to the second part to be able to make good use of the forgotten cart.

ok lets begin

Maximize the value of e-mail abandoned cart

Most online retailers focus on optimizing and sending updates to abandoned shopping carts, the strategy of remarketing shopping carts is instead of focusing on the other aspects of the customer experience. Three key to re-attract the forgotten cart is
  • Consider when and why shopping carts are forgotten: At what point in the shopping journey of the customer, the buyer has decided to close their shopping window? Review the details they fill out, the coupons they use and their referral sources will let you turn shopping motives and forget their shopping cart. By analyzing such information, you can remind customers to forget their shopping cart so they can re-purchase their shopping cart and many other cases forget the cart.
  • Personalized experiences after click: When customers agree to return to their forgotten carts, Give them a special experience that will eventually encourage them to purchase, perhaps the missing elements of their initial experience are the reason for forgetting their shopping cart, or, the previous cart contains cryptic features like clumsy navigation bars or unnecessary personal information fields. Avoid these errors and increase your experience to encourage customers to purchase the first time.
  • Create a customer-friendly website: Buyers spend more time online on their smartphones and tablets than on desktops or laptops, while moving people will also shop on their phones, tens of millions of online shoppers with smartphones, and with the development of facebook now, ecommerce outlets lose significant revenue opportunities by skipping the use of responsive design for facebook messenger, reminding customers to forget about their facebook and their landing page.

Last words

Do not skip the shopping cart reminder. Shoppers who previously landed on your site and walked away from their cars could eventually turn to your competitors to meet their needs. Without your prompting to return to your store, they may finish their purchases elsewhere. By automating the customer's shopping cart reminder, you remind buyers to continue their shopping experience and ultimately order with you - rather than your competitors.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

How to increase revenue from reminding customers to forget the shopping cart on your website (part1)

If asked, most shop owners say that potential customers leave their shopping carts because they are not ready to buy, many people do not buy because of technical errors. But when psychologists shoppers explain “You have to understand that customers often abandon their shopping carts without the intention of doing so, for example, if you are buying a website that is faulty, or if the purchase process is too complicated or your website has run out of time ... Businesses that want to remarket to their customers have reached the payment stage, so check out these tips to leverage the plugin to remind customers to forget your shopping cart to boost sales.

Use cartback to remind your customers forget their cart

Using the cartback method is the most effective and optimal way to remind customers to forget their shopping cart, it will send the message to the customer's personal email box on their facebook to inform them that they have forgotten the shopping cart on your website.
So you can increase your revenue as if it were lost from those customers, in addition, it is a tool you can remarketing for many people who visit your website.

find the necessary contact information

To convince shoppers to return, online retailers must actively seek customers on facebook, many times, during the shopping process, retailers should remind visitors to share their facebook IP address.
Three ways can collect contact information:
Offer discounts, promotions, or other special deals. Make it interesting for your customers to share and share their facebook information with you.
Become a member of your store. With your store account, give customers special access to different areas of your website, experts have encouraged customers who have signed up from their IP address to log in to that account every time they purchase.
Include non-committed guest payments. Ask your customer for their full name, mailing address, and order confirmation, once you know the information of your customers, you will have many opportunities to be able to remarket them.

The perfect IP forgotten shopping cart

Retailers are most successful because they turn solutions that remind customers into science and apply it, to imitate their success, your store should prioritize the collection of customer information through facebook and use the cartback to remind customers who forget the shopping cart on your website. And in the plugin reminder CartCache CartBack will also have analytics so you can track the number of messages sent, the number of carts left, the number of carts sold again.
and below are the 16 extremely important elements to be able to analyze an abandoned shopping cart.
emphasize the subject line: The message of the seller is often overlooked surprise, the surprise can prevent the recipient to open the mail, avoid the message remind customers forget the shopping cart ignored bnaj message must have clear message headline and press Strong on reminding your customers.
Descriptive text.
Focus on the customer.
Create fun highlights for messages reminding customers to forget the shopping cart, avoid causing boring customers.
Customer's shopping cart, including a direct link to the shopping cart that the customer has forgotten and has streamlined the payment process for guests. Tell the buyer that you are holding their item for a limited time to encourage them to make a quick decision.
Sometimes the last minute discount, push the price sensitive customer to activate now with an exclusive promotion to help them complete the purchase.
Suggest related items.
Smart Call to Action (CTA).
Triggers based on time. Send your first email within a few hours after a shopper has abandoned her shopping cart.
Leave your refund policy. Sometimes, shoppers hesitate when making purchases because they worry that they can not undo the purchase or return the product they are not satisfied with. Make your return policy clear to lessen their concerns and provide customers with peace of mind.
Target customer reviews.
Retailer contact information.
Opt-out link.
(to be continue)

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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Remind customers forgotten cart- regain old customer, why not ?

Remind customers forgotten cart- regain old customer, why not ?

more than 2/3 of potential customers fill out their shopping carts and give up, for retailers, this is equivalent to huge losses. Finding a potential customer is very difficult, so forgetting your shopping cart is a pity, so it is considered a very serious business issue.
So what is the method to rescue this situation?
Online retailers, businesses that want to grow profits need to invest in reporting forgotten shopping carts for customers. Last year, Mike Arsenault launched a research study on KISSmetrics that found that the camera maker made about 12 percent of the carts that were neglected by consumers by simply reminding customers to forget the shopping cart on facebook. You see it only by reminding customers who have forgotten the ftreen facebook shopping cart that Peak Design has been able to regain the loss of consumers and increase sales.
Remind customers forgotten cart- regain old customer, why not ?

Although most shop owners assume that potential customers abandon their shopping carts because they are not ready to buy anything or do not make a purchase because of a technical error. Mr. Dan Wang of shopify explained "You have to understand that customers abandon their shopping carts without attempting to do so, such as when the website is down, because the process is complex or the site has run out of time”.
Therefore, retailers who want to increase sales should consider the system to remind customers to forget their shopping carts on facebook so that they can regain old customers.

What is the solution to this problem?

My advice is to invest in a system that reminds your customers to forget your shopping cart on facebook, to convince customers back, you should actively seek customer information on facebook.
Remind customers forgotten cart- regain old customer, why not ?

I'm using the CartBack plugin - WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Ninjateam to do this, and I find it extremely efficient.
First this plugin sends the customer forgot the shopping cart a reminder message, then this plugin helps you send private messages to your inbox on facebook, talk to customers, bring reminders to check for forgotten items, and finally sell.
facebook messenger has been growing potential in these years, over 1 billion messenger users every day, send messages through facebook messenger a lot, reach the open rate up to 80%.
After the customer leaves your site, the plugin will automatically send a message to them, the message prompts them to remind them exactly what they saw, remind them of their affection for your product, it's like retargeting, but more natural and closer.
Ninjateam developers have quietly included the Analytics feature in this plugin to help you accurately gauge the metrics it gives you.
In this analytics section you will see the number of users added to the cart and the number of messages sent, it also shows users who add to your cart, including name, locale, gender, date, and so on.
Remind customers forgotten cart- regain old customer, why not ?

Using this plugin is also very simple, after you install the plugin, the "send to messenger" checkbox will appear in your product under the add to cart button. A check box will appear with your customer name in case he is logged in to facebook.
When clicking add to cart, he will automatically opt in to facebook messages from his profile, your facebook page sends him 2 notifications if he does not check, You can still set the time for both reminders, and any time after that can send him more messages, such as sending him a good offer, introducing new products for him.

Last words

Do not ignore customers who have forgotten their shopping cart, customers who have previously visited your website and left their carts finally able to turn over your competitors to meet their needs. If there are no reminders for your customers to return to your website they can finish the purchase elsewhere, By investing in reminders of customers forgetting their shopping carts, you remind buyers to continue their shopping experience and ultimately place orders where you are, rather than your competitors.
The good news is that Christmas and New Year Ninja team has launched a very attractive promotions for customers
The good news is that Christmas and New Year Ninja team has launched a very attractive promotions for customers

Finally, wish you a happy Christmas together with your family and celebrate the New Year.

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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

10 ways to increase facebook's interaction you should know

Do you want more people to interact with your posts on facebook? Do you want to improve your business on facebook? increase facebook interaction means increasing the likelihood of having more people know you, increasing your bottom line with the lowest possible advertising cost.
In this article, we will go together to explore 10 ways can help you increase interactivity on facebook.

Okay let’s begin.

10 ways increase facebook interaction

create viral post on facebook by facebook spiderlink

10 ways to increase facebook's interaction you should know

This is the easiest way to make sure everyone can. Just use facebook spiderlink you have been able to make your articles on facebook are reach to many people without advertising.
Increase facebook interaction does not require copywriting skills, no need to spend a lot of money on the ad, a totally natural approach and most importantly, make sure you increase sales when using facebook spiderlink.

Create a shareable content

10 ways to increase facebook's interaction you should know

Shareable content is one of the most common ways to increase facebook interactions.
If you want more people to share your facebook post, you need to create content that is highly shared ."Highly Shareable" is content related to your audience that forces them to share your article.
Content can be a hot news, education, fun, entertainment or something that is often not seen elsewhere. These are the types of content that often stimulate the reader's curiosity and motivate them to share.
For example, having a video from the techchnica is a simple video that teaches you how to do with butter, and this video has received over 6,800 share.

including the call to action

10 ways to increase facebook's interaction you should know

Similar to when you want to create a content sharing, the important thing is to get people involved, include something as simple as a share invitation post.
For example, on the anniversary of the Rainbow Bridge, Woof has created an action, urging people to call on people to share the image of their pet. Eye-catching video postings have seen over 7 million views, 19,000 comments, and 208,000 shared views.

combination of content types

10 ways to increase facebook's interaction you should know

There’s a window of opportunity right now with the Facebook news feed algorithm, since not nearly enough businesses are doing video.
If you put a higher ratio of video in your content mix (three times a week), it will increase the visibility and engagement of your page substantially. Mix in other content types and you have a recipe for success.
The Betty Rocker is a nutrition and fitness expert who has a wonderful mix of content types. From recipes and checklists to inspirational pics and fitness videos, there’s always something interesting on her page.

Use facebook live regularly

10 ways to increase facebook's interaction you should know

One way to incorporate more video is to use facebook live regularly on your site. Starting with a live broadcast a week, have the idea to have time to plan the broadcast to get the highest effect. ted yoder performs live concerts on facebook from his backyard, Ted announced his concert start time for his audience. His videos are very popular. He has increased the facebook interaction quite well, he has more than 75 million views on facebook people.

Design Video for Viewing With the Sound Off

To increase facebook interaction make your video easy to understand or have audio, although facebook has the feature to automatically play audio for video, You should still design your video to watch along with audio clutter whenever possible, Because the user wants to have control over the mute button.
Also, you should add subtitles to your video that will also increase interactivity.
For example, this is Tony Robbins' movie, which provides information to the audience, whether or not people have heard him.

try the article immediately

10 ways to increase facebook's interaction you should know

Increase facebook interaction thanks to instant articles.
Instant messages load 10 times faster in the facebook mobile app than the regular mobile links. If you have not configured Facebook Instant Articles, you need to consider that.
Companies that use instant messaging include Business Insider, BuzzFeed, Washington Post, and others. For example, Mashable publishes some content via instant articles, like this one about upcoming LinkedIn changes.
Only after the article clicks will appear, the audience does not have to wait too long. Because viewers get instant gratification when they click on instant posts, they are more likely to read it and share it, which increases the interactivity on facebook for your article.

Change your posting time

10 ways to increase facebook's interaction you should know

Do not get the commitment you want for your facebook post? Try publishing content outside of business hours, such as in the evening or on weekends. In addition, it is entirely possible to repurpose the content. Post content that has been shared on other networks and periodically republish your most popular Facebook posts. However, do not share previously posted posts; Republish it as a fresh article.
Be aware of the evergreen content you share. If you republish older content, be sure to read it in advance to ensure it remains relevant. In addition, while you can automatically publish links and blog posts using third-party tools, do not set and forget it.
Every now and then something can happen in the world or in your business and industry. Just be aware of what you are posting and when to make sure it stays relevant and does not interrupt the crisis.

keep track of other facebook pages

10 ways to increase facebook's interaction you should know

Keeping track of the facebook page of other businesses in your industry and the facebook page of other domains is also a factor that helps you increase your facebook interaction.
To follow other pages, visit your facebook page for details on finding and setting pages to view. facebook will tell you what's popular on other pages, will also check that page regularly to solve your eye problems.

Undelete traffic from other sources

10 ways to increase facebook's interaction you should know

Another way to increase interactivity for your posts is to send traffic to your facebook page from other social networks and your newsletter. Click your facebook timestamp to get the permalink, then use the short URL to create a shareable link.
Share will link posts on facebook, on twitter or another social network with the invitation to join the conversation, This will put some people using twitter follow your facebook that joins.

Last words

How many to increase facebook interaction, I still recommend using spiderlink facebook, because it is both convenient, easy to use and effective high even if you do not have copywriting skills.
Finally, wish you a happy Christmas together with your family and celebrate the New Year.

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Saturday, December 16, 2017

network social connect with website to save money and time for yourself

network social connect with website to save money and time for yourself

I have received countless questions last week about the convenient small messenger that is appearing on the right side of my website. That is messenger customer chat by facebook release and only benta version is released .

What is messenger customer chat, network social connect? Is that important ?

messenger customer chat in particular and network social connect generally allow manufacturers to provide an easy access point go to a facebook chat messenger and other social networking applications while on their website.
network social connect with website to save money and time for yourself
messenger customer chat on desktop

Because there are more than one billion people using messenger per month, and more so than network social connect every day, and with a large amount of messages per day the customer would be very wasted if you can not network social connect with your website. With messenger customer chat you will provide your customers with a seamless live chat experience on your website. In addition, the messenger facebook logo is floating along the bottom along the bottom right of the screen, allowing customers to easily contact you through messenger customer chat without having to leave the page. Compare the messenger customer chat with the typical messaging support services of some websites we will see one thing is, when you view a product and ask a question, you may be able to email the history of the conversation, but if you do not, you will return to the website if you want to continue the conversation.
network social connect with website to save money and time for yourself
messenger customer chat on mobile

With this social network connect you do not need to go back to the website. Simply open your messenger application and continue the conversation.

How does messenger customer chat work?

Based on the facebook messenger, messenger customer chat acts as an instant messaging system, after installation, the blue badge of facebook messenger and US messenger on facebook will appear on your pages. Your customers will feel comfortable asking about your product or service, and they trust you more than your competitors. The messenger customer chat will definitely help your business save a lot of time and money, but still ensure that visitors to your website receive the message. And more importantly, from the received messages you can build a rich customer base for future marketing and remarketing campaigns.
network social connect with website to save money and time for yourself
messenger customer chat on my website

As such, messenger customer chat can help customers contact and connect with your business more easily-Make sure that no potential customers are missed. What's better than that?

Be the first to embrace this plugin while others do not know it yet.

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Add comment feature with social network account.

Thursday, December 14, 2017



Today's social networks are becoming more popular, as the big ones like twitter, facebook quickly approach and conquer the user, with millions of users around the world, social networking has always been a topic for internet services to tap into the potential for business and development. However, with small websites or blogs, how does social networking benefit you and how to exploit it effectively?
In this article, I will mention a basic way to exploit the potential from the social network for websites, blogs Connect your users between social networking and blog or your wordpress website.


When someone needs to register a member / comment on your website / blog  they must fill out the form and register, this will take time and boring the reader, so if your wordpress blog allows the use of social networking accounts to log in then the user will save more time. At the same time, users also manage their accounts more easily and they will also enjoy a lot more.
Moreover, facebook now has the feature of displaying their activity, that is, if they have a comment or like, the activity will also appear on their page, it receives more traffic from other members. But this feature is only available if you use facebook comment.


With the huge plugin archive of wordpress, you will easily find the pluign that will allow you to add the wordpress login feature by social networking accounts. Now you do not need to manually program and work with complex social networking APIs. Underneath you will list the best plugins to do this for you.


This is a separate comment system, not using the default comment system of wordpress, it also includes a log-in feature for commenting through social networking accounts and having mail notifications when someone responds to a comment. This is a pretty good plugin that you recommend to use it.

social login

This plugin allows the display of links with icons to the reader login by social networking account right at the comment frame, login page, registration page and sidebar. The highlight of this plugin is very easy to use and supports a lot of different social networks. At the same time the service of this plugin is also very good, always update the latest version when wordpress update new version
However, for members to use the registration feature, you must turn on the registration feature at setting ---> general and mark the item "can anyone register"


This is a plugin for wordpress released by facebook, Only with this plugin you can let users interact with your blog or website wordpress most fully when letting you integrate like button into blog or wordpress website, comment by facebook account, post on fanpage, tag friends in the post .... If you just want to target facebook users, this plugin really can not be ignored.

Social comment

Do you want to use Disqus comment, Google plus comment, Facebook comment without having to install many plugins? If you install this plugin you will have all 3 comment systems without much customization.

Last words

This article also briefly talk about the benefits of interacting social networking accounts with wordpress and introduce some plugins to help you do this job easily. However, the virtual world of social networking is very vast and the potential for exploiting the benefits is not limited. Come here, have you tried these plugins yet?

If you know more about this free and good plugin then do not hesitate to share it with everyone. Wish your blogs grow.

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