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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Create a push facebook notification-redirect customer to a business landing page

Create a push facebook notification-redirect customer to a business landing page

Are you stuck in finding customers through facebook? Are you paying too much for running FB ads to find new customers? Are you looking to increase sales, but you are only looking to sell to new customers, and are you thinking of looking for them?
But why not make use of your old customers to sell new and attractive products to them? You simply create a push facebook notification to remarket your old customer and redirect old customer to your business landing page.
Because your new customers are dust and yours, but if they do not intend to buy from you you will not be able to sell any of your products to them. But your old customer is another matter, your old customers will be a great source of sales, because they already know your business, and they have already purchased or are interested in purchasing from you so you can subordinate them from you easily. With new products you do not have to spend time and do not have to spend money to find customers again.
What you need to do is create a push facebook notification and redirect old customer to your landing page.

How a to create push facebook notification

If you have or do not have a list of customers who have ever been interested in buying your product, that's fine. First, let's take a look at how to create a facebook push notification so I want to ask you a question.
What is the first thing when you log into facebook?
Yes, if you act like 90% of people around the world, you see that little red notification number and you click it. You see Facebook has trained people to click to view their notifications, they do it without even thinking!
And you can also create those little red notifications with just a few simple clicks using the notifly-facebook push notification plugin of ninjateam. Use the notifly plugin to create a push facebook notification that helps you increase sales, why not ?
Perhaps you are here thinking if you do not have a lot of customer data or even no customer data then how to create a push facebook notification? please be assured that this plugin can collect and store customer information of the bnaj they are interested in buying your product.
In addition, you can combine with creating a viral post onfacebook to expand your customer database. There are many customer databases you can create a push facebook notification to save you a lot of money running the ads.

Create a push facebook notification-redirect customer to a business landing page

Create a push facebook notification-redirect customer to a business landing page

You already have a customer database for your notification campaigns, the rest is to create a push notifications to redirect customer to business landing page will be very simple.
Just a few clicks and a few customizations are appropriate as you were able to create a facebook push notifiaction.
You have to keep this in mind you must enter the destination information of the website containing your product, and when the customer redirects to your business landing page you have to create a title that attracts customers to receive the message.
For example you can put a message saying: helloHATACHI NARA seems you have been through a important thing that you are interested in, click here and here to find your concern again. Or you can also write this title: hello HARACHI NARA we just sent you a gift, click to receive gift. or many other titles depending on your purpose, you can create many other titles.
Note: create a facebook push to redirect customer to business landing page is a great tip to promote business, but do not overdo it and do not use it often As you know, getting regular notifications is sometimes not desirable sometimes it is also a nuisance for your customers, and it can be a double-edged sword if you do not use it properly.

Create a push facebook notification-win back old customer

Create a push facebook notification-redirect customer to a business landing page

As mentioned above, old customers are a valuable source of sales, create a push facebook notification on facebook is a way to rekindle interest in the purchase of your customers. And win back old customer is important for your business.

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