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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Facebook Messenger Bulksender Breakthrough Sales For Business

Facebook messenger bulksender breakthrough Sales for Business

If you are using facebook as a marketing channel for your business you probably already use facebook messenger to chat with customers. Furthermore, you may have used or at least heard of a mailchimp plugin for marketing. Undeniably, they are extremely useful tools in marketing. So do you ever think facebook messenger and mailchimp can be combined?
The answer is yes, Is when Facebook Messenger and Mailchimp have a baby. Facebook Messenger Bulksender was born to amplify your most important asset: Customer Base and realify your dream: Ads with $ 0 !!!
Advertising $ 0, is not it great?

Messenger Bulksender is the Most Powerful Messenger Marketing Tactic in the Market

Facebook messenger bulksender breakthrough Sales for Business

Why do I dare to confirm facebook messenger bulksender is the most powerful war today?
Think about Mailchimp. How much do you spend each month when have you a customer base of thousands of contacts?
With facebook messenger bulksender you can advertise your content, products to thousands of customers for only $0. In addition, facebook bulksender also provides the ability to collect and store information of prospective customers to serve as a customer base for you later.
I have said facebook messenger bulksender is the child of facebook messenger and mailchimp but they are all different
With bulksender and mailchimp, you do not misunderstand facebook bulksender and mailchimp are two separate products, bulksender is a plugin while the mailchip is a saas, and with bulksender you do not have any subscription fees at all, and with mailchmp you have to spend a lot of money for every month.
with facebook bulksender and auto-reply messenger When someone messes your page, Messenger Bulksender keeps their contact in your database and allows you to send messages accordingly to all or part of them. When someone comments on your page / post, the auto responder will automatically send a message to them, make them happy and respond.
And what's more important to all bulksender becoming a full-fledged marketing campaign is not only can you advertise on your news feed, you can also place your ad in their ibox, and even better, you can send bulk messages to your customers with just one click.

facebook messenger bulksender efficiency because

Facebook messenger bulksender breakthrough Sales for Business

The facebook API displays the message but the marketers do not know how to leverage it, You might have heard already that Facebook custom audience are great but you don’t see the benefits just yet. Facebook only allows you to create custom audiences and allow targeted advertisers for this audience (they make you PAY even more!).
Now with Messenger Bulksender, you know a brand new way to exploit it with NO COST. Not just put your ads on their news feed, now you get it right to their INBOX! so WHY NOT ensure your visibility in the marketplace NOW!

facebook messenger bulk sender gives you power to

Facebook messenger bulksender breakthrough Sales for Business

Stand out from the crowds by putting your greetings, newsletters, promotions, etc. to your fans’ INBOX.
You only need to tailor your messages and leave the rest for Bulksender.
Sending bulk messages to your Facebook audience in a few click.
Reach your customers frequently WITHOUT monthly fee!
You can use facebook messenger bulksender to support many wordpress sites.

When using facebook bulksender you can combine it with messenger for wordpress and facebook spiderlink to be able to increase the message to your inbox, ie increase the number of your customers sending bulk messages.

Note:  This is a great tool to attract your fans. But that does not mean you should exploit it every day, because you know how annoying it is. Use it properly and accordingly to get the best results.

Because bulksender facebook messenger is a commercial plugin so there will be no demo.
To use this plugin you can buy it here:

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