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Showing posts with label wordpress-stricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wordpress-stricks. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Does ip address really affect website ranking?

Recently many have asked me this: IP address of the machine affects the website, or use many websites on a starred IP address, or do the satellite website need another IP address …..With such questions, today we sum up one to answer all these questions.

First, what is an IP address?

For details of this concept you can look at Wikipedia, here I will present in a brief and easy to understand.
In the internet environment, devices will be connected to each other through an address, and these addresses are identified for each device, which is referred to as the IP 

address. For example, when you send an email to someone on the internet, your computer must also determine the IP address to which the person receives the e-mail, but usually we do not type the IP address of the person we want to send, but instead we type in their e-mail address, and their e-mail address has been resolved to the IP address of the receiving server via the domain name server.
With IP addresses, in order to work on the internet they must be issued by the appropriate authority in each geographical area.

Is the ip address associated with the website?

It is obvious that our web sites will be placed on servers in the data centers, and depending on the service, our website will have its own IP address or the same IP address.
For example, if we use a physical server, our website will have a private IP address to connect to that server,and when 

we use the regular web hosting we will have a shared IP address, because the website is placed on the same websever with the same settings. we can not take IP own for hosting if they provide support.
So all of our websites have an IP address to determine which server is hosting it, only we use IP address resolution system to be able to access, through a domain name easy to remember o nly.

So, Why Private IP Is Good For SEO ?

What you mentioned above you can understand yourself that if you use a separate IP for the website.Google will determine that we use our own system, not shared this helps us avoid risks when building multiple sets of satellite websites,to google think this website has a private owner, avoid the penalty of the council.

Or do we assume that websites with the same IP that point to each other are not good, google knows and will consider this to be spam.
However, this has not been documented but just rumors If you have ever used web hosting with generic IP, you can also understand that when using a generic IP the website still has normal rankings, And not be penalized because one of the sites that have the same IP is penalized, a now this has not happened yet.

when using common IP does it affect SEO?

Myself and my colleagues after many years doing SEO and have many website system (main website and satellite website) when using common IP is still normal and still have good rankings If there is an effect, when we transfer server from domestic to abroad and vice versa, in the first week of the term there are ups and downs, which people still call the keyword dance phenomenon. But then things will stay calm if your website is not spam, the backlink to your website is punished google.
My satellite internet sites share an IP address do not want to spend money for something you do not know what help is not for me and even if a website in your satellite system is pushed into a sandbox, the other sites are safe.
However, if you put a website on a Web Hosting service using IP has too many spam websites, the content is perverse, ... will have a little influence.
There are people who think that using their own IP will make their website faster,this is the wrong thing to do, because using a private server can make your website faster, but the IP address alone does not work. Because the role of the IP address is only to identify the device containing that data only.
One more reason to use private IPs is to use a separate SSL certificate (such as a Comodo certificate), But most hosting providers now use cPanel, cPanel now supports SNI, which makes it possible to use individual SSL certificates without the need for a separate IP.
Google itself understands that most internet websites are now using the same IP so this is not necessary. Not to mention that if you use cloulare, it is also using the public IP on their system and this also does not affect SEO.
In general, no matter what anyone says, Matt Cutts said it would be more convincing, you watch the video below.
This issue is not only concerned from now on, but since 2006 Matt Cutts has got a confirmation here: "...there was recently a discussion on a NANOG (North American Network Operators Group) email list about virtual hosting vs. dedicated IP addresses. They were commenting on the misconception that having multiple sites hosted on the same IP address will in some way affect the PageRanks of those sites. There is no PageRank difference whatsoever between these two cases (virtual hosting vs. a dedicated IP).”
And also regarding IP, for the question of using your country domain name, is there any problem on the IP address of another country? Matt Cutts also confirmed that it was ok.

benefit of private IP for website

After what I mentioned above does not mean that private IP is not useful, but if you use Web Hosting does not necessarily need separate IP for each website. The benefit of using private IP on the website is as follows:
The temporary address of the website is in the form http://123.456.78.9/ instead of http://123.456.78.9/~username/ if using Web Hosting.
Not affected if the Web Hosting provider has a general IP change campaign.
It is possible to use individual SSL certificates without SNI technology.
It looks more professional (but who is free to go to see the IP of the website).
By default, when you use a VPS or a dedicated server, you will have IP because these two technologies generally do not support common IPs. But on the server you can hold multiple websites together and those sites will share the same IP.

Now that IPv4 resources are running out, let's take a look at when to use a private IP, when to use a generic IP to avoid wasting resources. And the private IP that affect SEO or not, I myself never believed in this.

Monday, August 21, 2017

what is woocommercer ?

what is woocommercer ?

We all know well, with the power of wordpress  it can make any kind of website thanks to the flexibility of the source code, as well as the API library available. But do not talk about self-writing code, it means, you probably do not know anything about the code at all, However, there will be a plugins that can help you make a sales site for all areas in wordpress website named woocomerce.

What is a woocomercer?

what is woocommercer ?

Just like facebook live chat for wordpress or facebookmessenger for wordpress are powerful tools to boost the wordpress website, Woocommerce is a free plugins, used to create the best small business eCommerce today in wordpress. It, like other plugins, adds functionality to the website, but it adds nearly all functionality that a simple sales page needs.
what is woocommercer ?

Woocommerce has major functions like

  • Create a product with regular format, product has attributes, affilate products and digital products.

  • Supports some forms of payment online PayPal, Credit Card, CoD, Cash and there will be more when installing plugins support for own woocommerce.

  • Support for self-calculating product taxes or tax on orders, depending on your adjustments.

  • Support conversion value (if available), there are many different delivery rates  there are many different delivery rates, it will be more versatile when installing the plugin that can calculate delivery prices by weight, size, local, on so on for woocommerce.

  • Professional order management site, order can be filtered through each state.

  • Support for custom display templates to manually reconfigure the shop and product template, which is very beneficial for programmers.

  • There are themes and extensions available that can turn a regular sales page into a professional sales site.

  • And there are so many cool features you should experience it yourself.
what is woocommercer ?

Woocommerce can be selected for those who need to make a simple shop page on their WordPress website to introduce products and allow customers to order online for more convenient sales.
This is just a prelude to a series of practical experiences when using woocommerce, In the following, I will guide you to use the features of woocommerce to make a professional website of your choice.
In addition, I will share some strings and use some important extensions, popular to add to the great features. My will talk about a number of programming problems in Woocommerce as search through template structure, hook and use the hook of it to upgrade options.
what is woocommercer ?
Admin page interface

My will talk about a number of programming problems in Woocommerce as search through template structure, hook and use the hook of it to upgrade options in customizing the display of woocommerce if you want more advanced.
So you should learn about basic wordpress. also, you should see what is the action hook ? and what is the filter hook ?
what is woocommercer ?

Last words

About woocommerce is an additional tool for wordpress, which increases the power of wordpress it will help us to make a sales page with the necessary basic functions right on your existing wordpress website without having to use a specialized source code .

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Direction for wordpress reproduction

Friday, August 4, 2017


Your wordpress website may get infected when you use Unknown root source themes or plugins or the password you set too easy to hack so the malicious code is normal.
When a website is infected with malicious code, there are usually three categories as follows.
 First: your homepage has been moved to the hacked announcement, followed by a great music or a picture parody you.
Second place: your website sexaam silently send out phishing e-mail, Continuous spam on hosts you will never know
Third: Your website will contain links to dirty web sites,.
And if you fall into one of the above cases then the provider will lock your hosting. If you have used VPS  you will be warned or blocked website if it falls into the case number 1.
You will now be ranked lower in search results on google, and will be red when browsing the web using the chrom browser to warn you that your site is not secure.
But do not worry, there are ways hack will also prevent hacking. Just do not use theme or pirated plugins or set password is long and hard to remember, you do not remember the best (just kidding, do not follow) or simply install itheme security is ok.
What if your site is infected with malware then?
Do not worry then there is a way to solve the problem.

How to solve when the site is hacked?

When your site is infected Instinctively, you will go to google query how to remove malicious code or how to remove the virus for your website. But sadly, no tool can help you free, and if you want to remove the virus you have to accept to pay a very expensive price.
After deleting your site is not completely sure the only way to completely remove the virus is to reinstall website again.
Installing a website from scratch is the only way to get your website clean installing a website does not mean that you will rewrite the content or the product because the data will be saved to the database, but the good news is that no malicious code attaches to your database either.
Installing the website means that we will retrieve the soft data stored in the database on the old site, then install the new website and import the data into it, then reset the plugin and theme from the beginning with clearer source.

Steps to reset your website from scratch

Step 1: Install a new website

Now you are installing a new wordpress website on the host or localhost and use a new domain name to run this website  to ensure that you have just visited the new website and the old site for easy checking and comparison.
Then open the wp-config.php file of the new website and insert the following into <? Php:


Change example.com to the new website address.

Step 2. Backup data on the old site

For the first backup you have to phpMyAdmin to export data in the database being used and downloaded to your computer or you can simply use the backup plugins to down load the database.
Next is bring the folder containing the image in the upload, / Wp-content / uploads / as 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, ... about your computer you have to make sure that you only download the folder that contains the upload image for your safety.
If you use Hosting then you can go to File Manager using Compress to compress these folders and download. Or if you install a new website on the same host, you do not need to download, just copy the directory to / wp-content / uploads / in the new website directory.

Step 3: Import old data into new website

To this step you have to access phpmyadmin at the host or localhost running the new website and find the database name of the website. Then click on import and upload the .sql file that you had in step 1.
During the import database process, there will be some errors.
If you get an error when importing the database, create a new database and import it into the new database. Then set up the website using the new database offline.
Enter the name of the data sheet with prefix “wp_” or another prefix.
If you use a prefix name other than wp_, open the wp-config.php file at the new website, find $ table_prefix, and replace wp_ with the prefix of the database table. For example, if you have a table named 38dug_options in the database, it will change to:

$table_prefix = '38dug_';

Then upload the image files in the old website running on the host (wp-content / uploads) to the wp-content / uploads directory in the new website to ensure the image is not lost.

To test, you can access the Media Library on the new website to see if the image is fully displayed. If the image shows normal then it is complete.

Step 4: Reset the originating theme for clarity to be more secure

To this step is simple you just need to find a theme that fits your field. If the theme uses the best paid theme should buy the copyright of the theme to be sure, update to the latest version to prevent tigers.
Then you should install the plugins to secure your wordpress like itheme security.

Step 5: Upload the source code to the main website

Once you have completed the site setup steps When you start using the new web go to hosting and delete all the data in the old web, then transfer the source code of your newly created website to the host directory of the main website.
To do the fifth step you have to do two small steps.
1.Backup and restore the new website source code to the host.
2.Backup database and restore database on host.
After the transfer completes, open the wp-config.php file of new and improved wordpress WP_SITEURL is the main website address. Example:


This can ensure that you can access the new website by your own domain name.

Step 6: Change the website address in the database

Now log on to the new website on the host and install the plugins Better Search Replace, Then go to Tools -> Better Search Replace and find the old domain name in all the database tables and change to the new domain, uncheck Run as dry run as shown below.

So all the clean links on your old site will be redirected to the new website, It's not manual, so you can still keep your google ranking.

Last step. Set up security for WordPress website

This is the most important step .
Do you still remember the reason that you have to install wordpress back from the beginning?
This is because of malware infection, So after completing the new web setup steps you have to make security settings for your website secure.
And above all, you should use the theme and plugins have a clear origin to avoid being attacked.
If you do not install something strange on your website, complex admin password, good security plugin setup, then you will not need to worry about security solutions anymore.
Wish you never be infected for your website

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

How to create shortcode from A to Z

How to create shortcode from A to Z

What is shortcode?

The shortcode is a short piece of code, This short code will do something that you set at creation of the shortcode, Eg show a loop, You can make this shortcode anywhere in the post, in the theme, except Excerpt and Widget.
Today shortcode is used quite commonly you can go to the wordpress plugins library and look for plugins with the shortcode keyword there are many plugins to appear it supports you with a number of full-length shortcodes required from decorating articles to making the tasks more complex.
And in many themes for wordpress it also supports some of its shortcode.

How to create a shortcode

All the code in this article you write into the functions.php file of the theme nhé.
To create a shortcode, we will have two main steps.
Step 1: Set the code execution function in the shortcode.
Step 2: Creates a shortcode based on the function created.
To figure out I'm going to give you a sample of this shortcode

//Initialize function for shortcode
function create_shortcode() {
        echo "Hello World!";
// Create a shortcode named [test_shortcode] and execute the code from the create_shortcode function
Add_shortcode ('test_shortcode', 'create_shortcode');
What matters is that I've put it all into code, Now if you write [test_shortcode] in the article content, Then it will show the hello world! instead of the shortcode you just wrote.
But one problem is the word Hello World! It will always be at the top of the article as we use the echo command.
If you want to show it right place the shortcode, you must use the return statement instead of echo.
You can fix echo "Hello World!" to return "Hello World!" Later when you write shortcode you should avoid using echo.
Similarly, we apply a little knowledge of Loop and Query to create a shortcode display 10 random articles offline.

function create_shortcode_randompost() {

        $random_query = new WP_Query(array(
                'posts_per_page' => 10,
                'orderby' => 'rand'

        if ( $random_query->have_posts() ) :
                while ( $random_query->have_posts() ) :

                                <li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><h5><?php the_title(); ?></h5></a></li>

                <?php endwhile;
        $list_post = ob_get_contents(); // Take the entire contents above the $ list_post variable to return        


        return $list_post;
add_shortcode('random_post', 'create_shortcode_randompost');

You can see from paragraph 8 to paragraph 21 I wrote the loop in the function ob_start() and ob_end_clean(). Actually here I have to cache anything I’ll wrap that part to use the function ob_get_contents() Go to the $ list_post variable, then return this variable out because when you do shortcode you must use return. If anyone has a better way, let me know.
Now you write [random_post] the location where you need to display the list of random items is ok.

Create a shortcode using the parameter

In the previous section we only learn by creating a simple shortcode, which means it only shows what we wrote in the shortcode that does not allow customization of the user. If you want to let the user manually edit what is displayed, here we have to use the parameters.
For example, in the shortcode above we have shown 10 random posts. But if using the parameter, we can let the user customize the parameter in the number of posts displayed and can choose the sort order if you want.
To create a shortcode containing the parameters we create as follows.

function create_shortcode_ parameters1 ($args, $content) {
        return " this is number". $args[' parameters1'];
add_shortcode( 'shortcode_ parameters1', 'create_shortcode_ parameters1' );
First, in the function part, we have two arguments  $args and $content. The $args variable is the shortcode parameter and the  $content variable is the piece of content wrapped in code. You see the example below:
[shortcode_thamso thamso1="100]Đây là biến $content[/shortcode]
Thus, we have thamso1 as parameter and number 100 means the value of any parameter that the user can set. $content is wrapped inside the shortcode, but in the above paragraph we do not use the $content variable to print so even if you write like that, the $content section is not showing up yet.
Now you write the shortcode on the article it will show "this is 100" right, And that also makes the parameter shortcode.

function create_shortcode_tinhtong($args, $content) {
        $tong = $args['term1'] + $args['term2'];
        return "Total".$tong;
add_shortcode( 'total', 'create_shortcode_total' );
And when writing the shortcode we will write the following.
function create_shortcode_content($args, $content) {
        return strtoupper($content); //Prints all the content in the shortcode }
add_shortcode('shortcode_content', 'create_shortcode_content');
And now you try to write in this shortcode.
[shortcode_content]Viết cái gì đó vào đây[/shortcode_content]
Has it printed the entire text in the body of the shortcode?

So why does the example above use only $ content but have to declare both $ args? Because by default, if you just declare a parameter, it will know for itself that the variable is the first parameter, so it's best to declare both variables, of course you can set any name.
$ Args will have a parameter structure of $ args ['arguments'], and the suffix is the parameter in the shortcode that you have to write in the same way.
$ Content is the variable that prints the entire contents of the open shortcode and shortcode tags.

How to write a shortcode into a PHP file

Shortcode only executes in the WordPress editor, but in other situations it does not understand. So if you want to insert a shortcode into a PHP file, you must use the do_shortcode () function to execute it. For example:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[test_shortcode]'); ?>

Examples of shortcode examples

Shortcode displays video from Youtube

By default, the embed code from YouTube will look like this.
<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/0KJ60uJZ3-Q" height="480" width="640" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
So here we play three parameters:

Enter the ID of the video.
Parameter to adjust the width of the video.
Video horizontal adjustment parameter.
Ok let’t do it.

function create_youtube_shortcode( $args, $content ) {
        $content = '<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/'.$args['id'].'" height=" '.$args['height'].'" width="'.$args['width'].'" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0"></iframe>';
 return $content;
add_shortcode('youtube', 'create_youtube_shortcode');
And the shortcode would look like this:
[/youtube width="500" height="300" id="0KJ60uJZ3-Q"]
It will manually pass the parameters you entered into the shortcode.

Insert a full color notification box

This example will work with $ content in the shortcode.

function create_notification _shortcode($args, $content) {
        return "
<div class='notification '>".$content."</div>
add_shortcode( 'notification ', 'create_notification _shortcode' );

And add a little CSS to the style.css file

.thongbao {
     background: #585858;
     padding: 1.5em 2em;
     color: #FFF;
     border: 1px solid #C7C7C7;
Ok, now you can write in the content is [thongbao]Nội dung thông báo[/thongbao] Then see the results offline.

Shortcode retrieves Facebook information

In this example, the code will be a little too long to use get content from JSON through Facebook Graph. The shortcode structure will be [\fbgraph username="thachpham92"] The thachpham92 means the input parameter, ie the Facebook username needs to be displayed.

function create_fbgraph_shortcode($args, $content) {
        $get_info = wp_remote_get('https://graph.facebook.com/'.$args['username']);
        $get_avatar = "https://graph.facebook.com/".$args['username']."/picture?type=large";
        $dc_info = json_decode($get_info['body'], true);
        $dc_avatar = json_decode($get_avatar['data'], true);

        // Make variables easy to handle.
        $fb_id = $dc_info['id'];
        $fb_username = $dc_info['username'];
        $fb_url = $dc_info['link'];
        $fb_name = $dc_info['first_name'];
        // Write gender.
        if ($dc_info['gender'] == 'male') {
                $fb_gender = "male";
        } else if ($dc_info['gender'] == female) {
                $fb_gender = "female";
        } else {
                $fb_gender = " Undefined!";

<div class="fb-info">
<h5>your information <?php echo $fb_name; ?></h5>
<div class="avatar"><img alt="" src="<?php echo $get_avatar; ?>" /></div>
<div class="info"><strong>your ID: </strong> <?php echo $fb_id; ?>
 <strong>Username: </strong> <?php echo $fb_username; ?>
 <strong>sex: </strong> <?php echo $fb_gender; ?></div>
        $result = ob_get_contents();

        return $result;

add_shortcode( 'fbgraph', 'create_fbgraph_shortcode' );

And a little CSS like demo

.fb-info {
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0.5em 1em;
background: #3B5998;
border: 1px solid #E8E8E8;
color: #FFF;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
.fb-info .avatar {
width: 30%;
float: left;
margin-right: 5%;
padding: 10px;
background: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #F3F3F3;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
.fb-info .info {
width: 60%;
float: right;
Ok, let's try it.

Last words

Thus, in this article you already know through how to create a shortcode basically like, then create a shortcode that use parameters and I also explained quite thoroughly about it (should post it new long this) .

Really shortcode in WordPress is an extremely powerful feature for you to insert something into the post quickly. But be careful when using it because if you have users in multiple threads, later you do not want it anymore shortcode off, then to really tired.

If you still have questions, please leave a comment offline.
