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Facebook Live Chat For Wordpress

FACEBOOK LIVE CHAT FOR WORDPRESS The Very First Step of The 2017 Facebook Marketing Strategy

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Contact Form 7 Multi-Step

CONTACT FORM 7 MULTI-STEP Featured on our Best WordPress Plugins Adding steps for your complex form The best solution to keep the form clean and simple to your visitors

Friday, September 8, 2017

use multiple themes on the same wordpress website

You can create multisites on the same host. So do you think? We can create themes for each page on the same website. Can also
On some major websites you will probably find each of its categories a different theme they can do, your website can also do, there are many ways you can change the theme for each category in your site.
And now the easiest way to accomplish this is to use a plugin that specializes in changing the theme for each page  that plugin is a multiple theme.

features of multiple theme

The best thing about this plugin is that it allows us to use any theme for any link not just for category, tag, post or page.
It allows us to use a different interface based on a query or query with a certain value for example, you can apply a special interface for search pages with queries https://hatachi.com/?s=.
Or if you are using some parked domain visitors pointing to the main website, Plugins can also allow you to set up custom interfaces for such paths.

how to use multiple theme

prepare the theme.
To use this plugin, your theme must be uploaded to the website at the directory /wp-content/themes/ or download from the wordpress theme library.

After installing the Multiple Themes plugin is complete, we will set up in Settings -> Multiple Themes plugin.
use multiple themes on the same wordpress website

Here we will have sections included:
  • Settings: Basic setup to choose theme for home page, page.
  • Site Aliases: Set up the aliases domain to support plugin-defined paths, if you have used parked domains to point to the main website.
  • Advanced settings: Set theme for full site, full post, or full page.
  • Theme options: Guided setup menu, widget for this plugin.
  • System information: The host system information is running on the system.
  • Help: Instructions for submitting a support request to the author.
  • As a general view, next I will guide some basic cases to use this plugin.

Use a separate theme for the home page

to set up a theme for the home page we will go to the settings section of this plugin and go to the select theme for home site. Here, you need to select the theme for the home page.
use multiple themes on the same wordpress website

As shown above, we will use the Hueman theme for the homepage, here the plugin will not distinguish your homepage as a static page or a list of the latest posts as long as the path is domain-your.ltd then it will take it as homepage.

Set a theme for any page

For example, if you want to set up a specific theme for a category, you also go to the settings section of the plugin and go to For An Individual Page, Post or other non-Admin page then you have to add the path of the page at the url, post or other non-admin page and select the theme to activate.
use multiple themes on the same wordpress website

You can use any url including the url of a page or a certain post.

how to delete a theme of a page

After setting the theme for any page. Then you have no need to use anymore, we can delete in settings. Then at the Current Theme Selection Entries section and mark the delete section on the page that needs to be delete then change is complete.

Set theme for all pages and post

When using this plugin, you should set the theme to use for all pages, instead of using the theme enabled in Appearance -> Themes, the reason why should use the slice I will say later. To set this up you go to its Advanced Settings section and find the Theme for Everything section.
use multiple themes on the same wordpress website

Set interface for the remaining pages

When using this plugin, you should set the interface used for the rest of the page instead of using the theme enabled in the Appearance -> Themes, the reason a little below me will say. To set this up you go to its Advanced Settings section and find the Theme for Everything section.

Customize theme when using multiple theme

Each theme has its own menu settings and widgets should be used when using this plugins we have to set this for the whole theme to ensure the theme we want.

Settings menu

You look at the appearance -> in the admin page.
use multiple themes on the same wordpress website

Then select the theme you want to set in the active theme by clicking change, if theme is active theme is needed to set up is not needed anymore.
use multiple themes on the same wordpress website

Then go to menu and set menu.
use multiple themes on the same wordpress website

settings widget
Just like setting menu, go to Appearance -> Customize.
use multiple themes on the same wordpress website

Then select the theme to set.
And finally select Widgets to add the widget to the interface.

And finally select Widgets to add the widget to the interface.
And finally select Widgets to add the widget to the interface.

setting theme options

The theme with theme options using the customize built wordpress is too easy. We can use the same way to customize the theme.
Some theme cases have separate theme options as shown below
And finally select Widgets to add the widget to the interface.

 Then we only have one way is to enable theme to edit the theme options in the Appearance -> Themes and then we access the theme options of that theme and then edit.
To do this you should set up the default theme of the whole page in the Advanced Settings -> Theme for Everything so that when the interface of the page is activated will not be affected.

note when activating the theme

Activate the theme, the menu settings, widgets of each theme that we have set up before will probably be lost, so take note when using. It is best to use the theme using the whole customization.

Last words

After finding out many ways, many different solutions, I found that the plugins are plugins use many themes for wordpress website stable and easy to use. less troublesome because wordpress does not support by default, so using multiple themes at the same time can be a bit confusing and many errors occur.
Finally, the most important thing is to use a solution that is less error prone.
Hope these plugins will help you, and wish you success.
Another note is that you can completely install the plugin on each theme you have installed, for example, when you install facebook live chat forwordpress on your site, it will show all the themes, of course you can customize it for the place you want.

maybe you are interested

Monday, September 4, 2017


After we enabled the Multisite feature on WordPress in the previous post, we can now start creating sub-sites and start getting to know the area in the site admin page.


When you enable Multisite, you have to visit its own admin page to create a website, install themes and plugins, and edit settings. To access this part you link to
My Sites -> Network Admin -> Dashboard.


Here you will find some main management items, perhaps you do not need to explain in detail because there are only a few functions.


To create a subsite, look for the Sites -> Add New section. Here you will enter the name of the website, the path, the email of the administrator and the language of the website.

Then, to access the site's own administration, you can go to Sites -> All Sites and press the Dashboard button of the website you want to visit.

And in the sub-site administration page, you can do all the work as a separate site except to install new plugins and themes because this will work on your website.


The child site in WordPress Multisite can not install the plugin and theme itself, so you will need to install the Network Admin and then activated separately for each child site.

We go back to My Sites -> Network Admin -> Dashboard to install the theme and install the plugin as usual. Once installed, you must activate it by selecting Network Enable and the new subnet will be enabled.


Then you visit the subsite and will use the theme that we have activated.

For the plugin is a bit different, you just install it and any website that you want to use you can go to the admin page of each website to activate, not to activate right at the Network Admin page.


If you click on the Network Enable button in the theme that I have instructed above all the website in the network will be able to use that theme. However, we can activate a specific theme for a specific website.


To do this go to Sites -> All Sites and click the Edit button of the website to set up.

last words

Then look for Themes and click the Enable button for the theme to activate separately with this website.
Too simple, and now Multisite feature of WordPress works quite standard and easy, not like before too, so installing the theme and plugin is easier, no plugin or theme must support new Multisite. arguable.

In the next article I will guide through the use of separate domain name for each website in the network.

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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Install and customize facebook live chat for wordpress

Before we proceed to install facebook live chat forwordpress, we have to do a very important action, download the free live chat for website to the computer already.
To download facebook live chat for wordpress you visit wordpress.org,  then find the plugin named facebook live chat for wordpress by ninjateam finally you download it to your computer and start the installation.
Install and customize facebook live chat for wordpress

Install facebook live chat for wordpress

To install the wordpress live chat plugin, you just have to make a few clicks.
First you go into your website dashboard, then click the plugins button.
Install and customize facebook live chat for wordpress

Then it will appear three options for you.
  • Installed plugins.
  • Add new.
  • Editor.

Next you click the add new button, at now, the top left you will see the word add plugins, next to it is upload pligin. lets Click upload plugin.
Install and customize facebook live chat for wordpress

Then wordpress will ask you to choose which plugin to add.  Now click on Select file.
Install and customize facebook live chat for wordpress

Next you have to select the plugin facebook live chat for wordpress you have downloaded.
Install and customize facebook live chat for wordpress

After you choose the file live facebook chat for wordpress then click install now.

You have finished installing facebook live chat forwordpress plugin for your site then
It is important that you always keep the plugin activation state.
Install and customize facebook live chat for wordpress

Customize facebook live chat for wordpress

After installing the wordpress plugin for your website, we have to do a few custom steps before using.
To customize you click on the settings.Then navigate to the facebook live chat section and click on it.
Install and customize facebook live chat for wordpress

  • Enable: You must enable if you like facebook live chat for wordpress activity.
  • Disable mobile: If you do not want facebook live chat for wordpress appear on the phone you click.
  • Your Facebook Fan Page URL: Enter your fanpage url. Example: https://www.facebook.com/hatachi.com/
  • Title: Enter the title you want for the chat box
  • Open Chat Text: You can be skip this item.
  • Enable hello chat: You can turn on to facebook live chat for wordpress automatically talk when guests visit.
  • Hello Content:  Please enter a greeting.
  • Start Button Text:
  • Hide Close Botton: If you want the customer can not find box close of box chat, click vào.
  • Custom Logo: Upload your custom logo in top bar. Recommend size is 20X20px.
  • Main Color: Enter any color that you deem appropriate to your website theme.
  • Start Minimized: Select minimized for Mobile, Desktop when first time visitor goes to your website.
  • Display: There are two options for you
  • Display for pages if you want facebook live chat for wordpress show all your fan pages
  • And display all pages but except if you want to display all face page but exclude fan page you do not want to show it
  • Where you want to display: Click on all if you want it to show full screen.
  • Languages: Select the language you want to display.
  • Finally, do not forget to save it.

Install and customize facebook live chat for wordpress

Last words

It's easy to download and install facebook live chat for wordpress.  Wish you have the best experience with facebook live chat for wordpress.

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Monday, August 21, 2017

what is woocommercer ?

what is woocommercer ?

We all know well, with the power of wordpress  it can make any kind of website thanks to the flexibility of the source code, as well as the API library available. But do not talk about self-writing code, it means, you probably do not know anything about the code at all, However, there will be a plugins that can help you make a sales site for all areas in wordpress website named woocomerce.

What is a woocomercer?

what is woocommercer ?

Just like facebook live chat for wordpress or facebookmessenger for wordpress are powerful tools to boost the wordpress website, Woocommerce is a free plugins, used to create the best small business eCommerce today in wordpress. It, like other plugins, adds functionality to the website, but it adds nearly all functionality that a simple sales page needs.
what is woocommercer ?

Woocommerce has major functions like

  • Create a product with regular format, product has attributes, affilate products and digital products.

  • Supports some forms of payment online PayPal, Credit Card, CoD, Cash and there will be more when installing plugins support for own woocommerce.

  • Support for self-calculating product taxes or tax on orders, depending on your adjustments.

  • Support conversion value (if available), there are many different delivery rates  there are many different delivery rates, it will be more versatile when installing the plugin that can calculate delivery prices by weight, size, local, on so on for woocommerce.

  • Professional order management site, order can be filtered through each state.

  • Support for custom display templates to manually reconfigure the shop and product template, which is very beneficial for programmers.

  • There are themes and extensions available that can turn a regular sales page into a professional sales site.

  • And there are so many cool features you should experience it yourself.
what is woocommercer ?

Woocommerce can be selected for those who need to make a simple shop page on their WordPress website to introduce products and allow customers to order online for more convenient sales.
This is just a prelude to a series of practical experiences when using woocommerce, In the following, I will guide you to use the features of woocommerce to make a professional website of your choice.
In addition, I will share some strings and use some important extensions, popular to add to the great features. My will talk about a number of programming problems in Woocommerce as search through template structure, hook and use the hook of it to upgrade options.
what is woocommercer ?
Admin page interface

My will talk about a number of programming problems in Woocommerce as search through template structure, hook and use the hook of it to upgrade options in customizing the display of woocommerce if you want more advanced.
So you should learn about basic wordpress. also, you should see what is the action hook ? and what is the filter hook ?
what is woocommercer ?

Last words

About woocommerce is an additional tool for wordpress, which increases the power of wordpress it will help us to make a sales page with the necessary basic functions right on your existing wordpress website without having to use a specialized source code .

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Friday, August 18, 2017

Install wordpress multisite

After learning about and know what wordpress multisite is install wordpress is very simple you just need to take two steps to install wordpress multisite in this tutorial I will guide you to work on a parent website with domain name hatachi.com of course you can choose any domain name as long as it is pre-installed wordpress.
If you are in the process of learning you should install wordpress multisite in a new website to avoid affecting the main website if the installation fails.

Enable wordpress multisite

Now you open the wp-config.php file of the parent site to enable wordpress multisite and insert the following code below <?php.

define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );

Then at the wordpress admin page find the item Tools -> Network setup to start the installation.

But before proceeding with the installation we have to determine, we will use wordpress multisite anyway. There are currently two types

Subdomain: Child websites will have the address format subdomain of the parent website. Example: wordpress.hatachi.com, theme.hatachi.com, plugins.hatachi.com…on so on. And if you use this type you will need to set up a DNS wildcard as instructed below.

Sub-directory: Child websites will have addresses  the same format as the subfolder. Example: hatachi.com/wordpress, hatachi.com/theme, hatachi.com/plugins….on so on

In the Network Details section, enter the name and email address of the highest administrator.
Then press the install button to start the installation it will move you to the next page and start inserting the code into the file as instructed.  Specifically, insert the above code into the <? Php in wp-config.php and the code behind is to replace the existing code in .htaccess (if you use a Shared Host or Apache Webserver)

If tou use NGIGX

If you want to use NGINX as a webserver with PHP-FPM, we encourage you to use EasyEngine and install WordPress website with Multisite feature available on order:

ee site create domain.com --wpsubdom # use subdomain for subsite
ee site create domain.com --wpsubdir # use subdirectory for subsite
After inserting the code as required  you click log in to login. And now you will see on the admin menu there is my site to access the subsite

So we have finished installing WordPress Multisite.


If you use the subdomain subdomain path, you must set the DNS wildcard by adding a record to DNS as follows:
* IN A


In this section you have successfully activated the WordPress Multisite feature, the only remaining is the creation of sub-sites, administration and optimization for it. These sections will be covered in the next article.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Free Facebook Live Chat For Wordpress, Modern Marketing Solution

Free Facebook Live Chat For Wordpress, Modern Marketing Solution

Nowadays. very often customers will visit a company's website and found that they have queries that they can not find the answer unfortunately, there are many businesses lack of ability to provide live chat with customer for their website and forcing the visitor to open the e-mail, pick up the phone, or navigate to another web page to be able to know the answer to his query.
This really affects the conversion rate of customers visiting the website. But do not worry. Businesses use wordpress you can find and install many plugins for live chat for wordpress and the business can send the messenger to the customer immediately without letting the customer have to wait.
You can read 10 live chat plugins you should have forwordpress to find more plugins live chat similar. And one of them is plugins facebook live chat for wordpress, now customers can live chat with a business through plugins chat wordpress without having to leave the site.

 The Reasons A Business Website Needs To Have A Facebook Live Chat Messenger

Customers hate the wait

Time is a key factor and extremely important in customer service, for the form of sending email, post phone numbers waiting customers to call or redirect customers to another site, it is considered is the form marketing is no longer effective because it takes more time to solve customer problems the cost for that marketing from is also higher  so there should be a plugins to help live chat and support customers faster, at the same time improve the satisfaction of customers into your business promote business and reduce the cost of problem solving.
Moreover you can also use facebook live chat for wordpress to marketing your business reduce the financial burden on marketing.
Incorporate plugins facebook live chat with plugins facebookmessenger bulksender, or in combination with facebook messenger auto-reply it is also a good idea to market your business and the fact is that when you combine two plugins together, the results are unbelievably successful. Then why not try to combine them to make marketing more effective. In the next post I will guide you how to combine them to the most effective.

Increase conversion rates

Facebook live chat for wordpress help customers and business can live chat on facebook quickly, it is because the time to support fast customers will affect the decision to purchase also fast. It therefore helps to increase conversion rates, improve business and reduce cart abandonment rates.
When a visitor hits stuck on a site for a long time, businesses can actively use plugins live chat wordpress to open a conversation from within their site and provide support, eliminating any barriers that arise during the purchase process.

Features Of Facebook Live Chat For Wordpress

Free Facebook Live Chat For Wordpress, Modern Marketing Solution
seting of facebook live chat for wordpree plugins

facebook live chat for wordpress is free live chat for website wordpress you can easily find and download plugins with the keyword "facebook live chat for wordpress" on google.
Installation and use are also extremely simple, in just a few minutes you can use the best free live chat wordpress plugins.

Facebook live chat for wordpress has the features.
Free Facebook Live Chat For Wordpress, Modern Marketing Solution

You can select any admin menu or submenu to hide & sort it.

Yes, this is great. Facebook is saving the whole chat history. You can view chatlog anytime.

This is Amazing!! With Facebook server, bandwidth is not a problem to worry about.

Chat with many your customers at the same time, just like chatting with your friends in many chatbox.

Just enter your Facebook fan page URL. Then you can use it. Very simple. No Facebook app ID required.

Installing in just a few click and the whole secret weapon is ready to use.

You can customize colour in Settings. Make it harmonized with your website theme colour.

Facebook is popular and universal. It becomes around for quite a long time and people are very familiar with it.

Like button is shown in live chat popup. If you provide great support, your customers are more than willing to like and give some testimonials for your products/services.

More functions in this plugin you can buy it to experience
You can download the free version here

Reasons Business Should Choose Facebook Live Chat For Wordpress For Customer Support

Facebook Live Chat is crafted care for user friendliness. We apply all of Facebook UI criteria to design the perfect ratio of the chat box. All other buttons are also optimized for legibility and exposure. Beautiful design is also a factor to satisfy customers.

The number of Facebook users are continuously increasing. Chatbots, apps and new payment system are being developed to help all users find the most convenience in surfing and shopping. So if you’re collecting Facebook leads from now on, you’ll be the winner of the race.

Just for you to think about it. When you have a large Facebook audience, you’ll see what else you can do with them. There are plenty of features facebook livechat for wordpress currently have in mind and put in practice, such as conditional filter, export, automation, text spinning, and other features that you can find in next plugins.

Last Words

Facebook live chat for wordpress is the best tool to live chat support with the best customer according to my feeling. This is my real experience and the results that come with using facebook live chat for wordpress are absolutely convincing and great, if I were you, I suggest you try using this plugins live chat to experience the marketing results that it gives you.
In addition to the plugins facebook live chat also has a form of plugins that function to help website talk with the customer is facebook messenger for wordpress for those who want to learn.

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Monday, August 14, 2017

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

When it comes to starting a small business, the most difficult task that every business needs to go through is to make people aware of the presence of their business. However the only way to make the above process simpler is to build a website to introduce your mission and introduce the products and services you really provide to your customers.   Also gone are the days when people run over a store or mall to have all the details of a product they are planning to buy rather 90% of the consumer turn on the internet in order to get answer of all the queries about any product or service.
And if you're going to start a small business, do not ignore this because a functional website is not just a marketing tool to promote business which because this is a extended business of extended business. Website is considered as a great platform to introduce all of your products, service in an organized way to attract a customer base.
Although some of you may be thinking of building a website that requires you to spend a large sum of money but thanks in part to WordPress, building a business website today is not a big deal. Because wordpress is open source it's easy to use less cost. So, creating an appealing and highly functional website using the great piece of software WordPress is really worth. We are listing here are some of the bestsmall business WordPress themes to make your job much easier.

1 Jevelin

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

Jevelin is a robust and reliable, sleek and responsive WordPress premium multipurpose website theme. Jevelin is a platform for folks in need of establishing an online presence for their projects. Whether they’re businesses, professional freelancers or personal bloggers, Jevelin has something for everyone. Jevelin is packed with convenient shortcodes and widgets. You can readily apply these to any section or your pages without writing any code. Simply use the intuitive, integrated drag and drop page builder.
With the Revolution Slider, you can even create unique and smooth slideshows for showing off your content to your audience in an attractive presentation. Jevelin includes a wealth of amazing layout styles, from 6 blog layouts to 10 portfolio layouts and tons of gallery styles you can play around with, your content will always be displayed in the most favorable presentation possible. Jevelin has awesome and modern capabilities such as video background sections, Parallax background sections and even video Parallax background sections that brighten up your pages instantly. Jevelin is also well suited for running an online store, whether it’s on the side or as the main purpose of your website, owing to advanced commercial features powered by the incredible WooCommerce eCommerce plugin suite. Try Jevelin today!

2 Hestia

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

With the Revolution Slider, you can even create unique and smooth slideshows for showing off your content to your audience in an attractive presentation. Jevelin includes a wealth of amazing layout styles, from 6 blog layouts to 10 portfolio layouts and tons of gallery styles you can play around with, your content will always be displayed in the most favorable presentation possible. Jevelin has awesome and modern capabilities such as video background sections, Parallax background sections and even video Parallax background sections that brighten up your pages instantly. Jevelin is also well suited for running an online store, whether it’s on the side or as the main purpose of your website, owing to advanced commercial features powered by the incredible WooCommerce eCommerce plugin suite. Try Jevelin today!

3 Entrepreneur

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

Entrepreneur is a fresh-faced, smart, easy-to-use WordPress theme, ideally suited for small business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals wishing to offer their resumes, services and online booking or scheduling platforms for their customers and clients. Entrepreneur is simple, good-looking and professional, with a powerful Admin panel that gives you the reins over your design, while offering numerous predesigned layout templates to have you set up in a matter of seconds.
Contractors, consultants, hair stylists, physicians, coaches, personal trainers, consultants of all walks of life, Entrepreneur is a theme that states all their needs, with smooth-scrolling, Parallax enabled single page versions and powerful, Ajax front end, tabbed, deliciously navigable multipage versions. Extremely powerful booking and scheduling platforms are included, to make handling your appointments with clients, suppliers, advisors and potential customers a walk in the park. A beautifully designed, fully responsive park, packed with contact forms, portfolio layouts, and even PayPal and WooCommerce support to have you taking in money minutes after setting shop! Theme comes packaged with premium Booked Appointments plugin and 3 add ons, Booked Payments, Booked Sync, and Booked Agents. This plugin in combination with these plugins allows to make appointments easily via your website.  Thousands of customizable icons that are sharp and scalable, all Retina ready, as is every visual element of this gorgeous theme. Tons of shortcode will make page building easy like never before, and touch optimization means you mobile users will be delighted as well. Corporate’s so good, it pretty much sells itself.

4 Local business

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

Building a dynamic website is one of the main important criteria to promote your business perfectly and WordPress small business theme is there to help you out in this case. Local business is a very intuitive WordPress theme for small business using which users can generate a great appealing and fully functional website. This theme is just ideal for all type of people involved in a business starting from local vendors, business firms, contractors, shop keepers and more.
Small business gets recognized worldwide with expanding the business effectively. Loaded with lots of customization option you can easily customize the background, logo, intro text as per your business needs. Also special blog styles for post, admin panel, style sheet are added in the feature. Altogether loaded with unique specialties and great design, this theme can help you build an outstanding small business website.

5 Massive Dynamic

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

Massive Dynamic is a colorful and creative, aesthetic and attractive, fast and flexible, intuitive and immersive responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website builder. Massive Dynamic is a fantastically adaptive and deeply resourceful full-fledged platform for the design and construction of sophisticated, modern websites of all kinds, niches and scales. Massive Dynamic has been created as a true multipurpose website builder. Capable of deft, seamless handling of complex website roles and archetypes.
Massive Dynamic offers the power of the WooCommerce e-Commerce suite, customizable pricing tables vía Go Pricing, beautiful and smooth Master Slider and Revolution Slider integration, MailChimp subscription newsletters, ContactForm 7 and Add To Any social media sharing, all neatly arranged and customized within Massive Dynamic’s own unique, real-time Live Website Builder. The conjunction of this powerhouse tool with Massive Dynamic’s elegant, professional quality templates and its clever import feature that includes shortcodes, plugins and theme settings in a single click, means you can make short work of tasks as diverse as creating your digital professional portfolio, setting up your own online store to market your wares, or offer your professional services to the public at large, complete with quotes and pricing, all without writing a single line of code yourself. Ready to go Massive?

6 logistic

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

Logistic is the main theme for transport logistics companies. However, this theme can also be used for other business purposes logistic is a very easy to use theme with modern and intuitive design.
Moreover, this theme makes your website result oriented good, so you can be assured that website built with this Logistic theme has the capability to convert visitors into attendees.
This logistic theme is easy to install you can install it without any knowledge of programming. Some of the interesting features it includes are: custom components, animated content, web fonts, powerful CSS3 animations and much more. Logistic is the theme that will change for your site in a few minutes of installation

7 Divi

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

Divi is a very powerful wordpress theme, it is a very flexible and diverse theme. It is the perfect choice for business ideas from individual to transnational scale
The surprised and interesting of this theme is unlimited surely this theme will make you and your customers happy in the coming years.
Divi includes the unparalleled Divi Builder, a unique visual page builder with incredibly powerful element and drag & drop subelement customization modules, or building blocks, including dozens upon dozens of specialized pages, actions and effects, which enable for you to construct the most interactive, engaging websites with minimal effort and utter ease and intuitively. Divi will have you popping out brand new pages within ten minutes of the first installation.
20 included premade layouts help towards this promise, with boundless options for each specific module upping customization possibilities into the tens of thousands of variations. Your own layouts can be saved and added to your collection of readily available templates for page creation. Full RTL support and over 32 languages, top of the line website security and dozens of happy customers running Divi powered websites to showcase its strength, Divi is behemoth of a theme that will turn any little fish into the shark of the tank.

8 Adamos

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

Adamos is a full-width responsive business theme for WordPress. It comes with a featured slider, featured content area, custom background, custom header, and multiple page layouts.

9 Consulting

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

Consulting is a theme for wordpress delicate and professional intuitive, flexible, sophisticated and modern with advanced and innovative technology. Consulting was created to give the business a user-friendly theme.
Adding the Visual Composer page builder premium plugin as well as the real-time WP Live Customize means that webmasters with or without any previous coding skills can easily and effectively handcraft their own attractive, modern business websites in a flash, without ever having to write a single line of code. That makes Consulting one of the best themes available for small business websites, as its deep-running business-savvy is seamlessly integrated with an unparallaled ease of use. Multiple choices of headers and footers will let you set your small business website apart from the crowd with ease and within a couple of clicks, while three distinct service listing styles means your customers can browse through your selection in engaging, creative manners. Try Consulting today, and you will not be disappointed!

10 Worker

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

If you are looking for a multipurpose WordPress theme ideal for the small business owners and entrepreneur, Worker is the one to go for that. Business owners in many fields such as coach, mentor, physician, hair stylish, contractor, trainer can make use of this theme to reach their product or service to the whole world.
It includes a clean, modern and responsive design.  Various advanced appointment or booking features and the stylish portfolio makes the theme interesting.  Even you can make it to look more professional through the premium WordPress plugins comes with this theme for free.  Other features it includes are: color customization, fully translatable, Google calendar compatibility, powerful backend service and more.

11 Cleanstart

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

Cleanstart is a polished and professional, easy to use and modern, uncluttered and clean-cut, readily responsive WordPress clean multipurpose website theme. Cleanstart is a simple and streamlined set of tools for the unfettered creation of polished and seamless websites with a distinctly minimalist aesthetic across a broad range of industries and interests. Cleanstart is an easy tool for webmasters from any background or experience level to effectively and effortlessly present their content in a professionally graphically designed user interface that exhibits your polished, elegant taste without detracting focus or attention from your precious, precious content.

Cleanstart is perfect for putting together crafty websites ranging from eloquent blogs filled with unique blog layouts and custom post settings to sophisticated online retail outlets with commercial capabilities powered by the WooCommerce eCommerce plugin suite, among multiple other niche and general applications. Easily customizable through a visual page builder, Cleanstart requires no coding knowledge in order to thoroughly customize your layout arrangements, content styling settings, elements, buttons, widgets, you name it, Cleanstart lets you make it your own, always conserving its clean and minimal appearance. Mobile friendly and SEO enhanced, Cleanstart is a cutting edge solution to all your website building needs. Try Cleanstart today!

12 Full Frame

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

As the name suggests, Full Frame is a full-width responsive WordPress theme for business sites. It comes with a built-in featured content slider, call to action button, custom widgets, and multiple page layouts.

13 Editorso

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

This WordPress theme is mainly geared towards those involved into online portfolio and blogging business. This can be one of the best themes to use in your WordPress Website that is 100% GPL writer. It includes live customizer to design the website as per the need of your business.
The templates can be effortlessly tweaked that does not require you to have any coding knowledge. Things like Layout structure, location of the key navigation elements and widgets positioning can be managed by your own just by simply dragging and dropping them in places.
Editorso is fully responsive and SEO optimized so all types of consumer can view the website in their devices.

14 Zerius

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

Zerius is the child theme of Zerif Lite (mentioned earlier in this list) so it inherits all its features. It is a mobile responsive multi-purpose WordPress theme ideal for a business website.

15 Profi

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

This business theme is the result of many years of experience of the developers so one can get all that is needed to build a website in this Profi theme. This theme is appropriate for all starting from small, medium and big sized business organization, modern agency, startup, personal portfolio etc.

It includes a responsive layout so it will fit on every device such as desktop, mobile, laptop and tablet. Uses of visual composer along with drag and drop page builder let you easily compose the page layout. SEO optimized, high speed performance, cleanly coded,  parallax effect background are some of its important features.

16 Onetone

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

If you like darker color schemes then Onetone is perfect for you. It is a single page fully responsive WordPress business theme. It features custom backgrounds, parallax support, multiple sections and a comprehensive theme options panel.

17 Enlightenment

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

Our flagship multipurpose theme powered by Enlightenment Framework. With a clean, modern and responsive design backed by a powerful and flexible code base. Showcase any type of content anywhere. Create unlimited layouts. Customize all templates to your preference. Take WordPress as CMS to another level.

18 Polygon

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

This is a multipurpose high quality corporate theme designed business keeping in mind. Powered with clean code, extremely responsive and modern looking interface Polygon is ideal for all business people. Whatever is the size of your business, this theme can perfectly provide a bold and very professional look to the site.

Build excellent and visually appealing corporate site with this theme effortlessly. It is geared to suit all kind of business, corporation and companies. Addition of so many useful features and functionalities made it one of the most powerful business WordPress themes in the market.

Set up is also very simple, so just get this theme and provide an interesting look to your website.

19 TheFox

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

TheFox is a completely visually stunning and amazing, graphically expansive and attractive, thoroughly well coded and efficiently built, fast-loading and resourceful, modern and innovative, creative and imaginative, readily adaptable and highly malleable, extremely responsive WordPress multipurpose website theme. TheFox is a fantastically easy to use and wonderfully intuitive and user friendly theme that packs a creative punch with over 30 different, conceptually unique, incredible designs, with spectacularly detailed Home Page demos readily available at your fingertips with a simplified one click import set up process including complete predefined content, so you can have a full-fledged website up and running within minutes, right out of the box!

Your pick from sophisticated One Page websites, Landing Page websites, WooCommerce integrated e-Commerce websites, Portfolios, you name it, TheFox is ready to deliver. That makes TheFox a fabulous theme for small and medium sized business websites of pretty much any field or industry. With deep customization capabilities that make visual identity branding a breezy, easy matter, and tons of business page templates to help you get off on the right foot, along with a wealth of amazing shortcodes and Icon Fonts to liven up your websites and keep them fresh and youthful, TheFox packs what every small business needs. Not to mention the complete ability to market your wares right off your WooCommerce-powered online shop.

20 Make

The 20 best free wordpress themes for small business

Build a website that means business. With Make’s powerful drag and drop page builder and hundreds of Customizer options, you can effortlessly brand your site without touching a line of code. Add full-width banners, columns, and galleries to showcase your best work. The intuitive builder delivers clean, lean code — not shortcodes — so you can trust your content remains portable. Make lets you control page layout options, including sidebar display, on all your posts and pages. Choose from hundreds of Google Fonts and upload custom backgrounds everywhere. Built on a fully responsive grid, Make renders as beautifully on tablets and phone screens as it does on desktop. Make scales with your business and is fully compatible with popular plugins like WooCommerce, Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, Jetpack, and others.

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